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Camtec Photo & Fujifilm Photo Contest - Summer Fun, Autumn Light

Camtec Photo and Fujifilm Canada are pleased to announce a contest and event: “Summer Fun, Autumn Light”   How was your summer? Or, are you more inspired by autumn light? What made it special? Was it a trip to a beach, or a neighbourhood walk during a cool summer evening? Perhaps, it was sharing a glass of wine with good friends on a balcony. Summer and early fall can be inspiring, a time to drink in and appreciate the light and relaxed atmosphere.  Fujifilm and Camtec Photo invite you to participate in a contest that celebrates those special moments that...…

Emmanuel in the Promised Land

When the opportunity arose for me to visit Leica in Wetzlar, I felt like a child about to be turned loose in a toy store – excited, impatient, and nervous. I packed my small suitcase and a Leica Q2, and boarded the flight to Germany. Final destination? The heart of all things Leica – Leitz-Park in Wetzlar. My short stay began with a visit to the old town. Wandering the narrow streets, emulating the legendary walks of Oskar Barnack and the legions of Leica fans who have followed him for a century, this was, without doubt, a photographic pilgrimage. Later,...…

Rediscovering Beauty in an Image

From Sony to Canon to Fuji to Nikon, there can be no doubt the field of high-performance cameras is an increasingly crowded place. While some might refer to this as photography’s golden age, in my opinion the camera remains a tool. Its only function is to seamlessly execute what you aim to accomplish creatively. Only Leica has steadfastly maintained the philosophy of “photographer knows best”. From the ultra-performance SL system to the ultra-simple M system – and let’s not forget the ultimate hybrid, the Q3 – this approach to design has proven itself repeatedly since the day Oskar Barnack persuaded...…

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