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Correction Lens M for M240, M9, M8, M7, and older cameras

14359 / 14358 / 14357 / 14356 / 14355 / 14350 / 14354 / 14353 / 14352 / 14351


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This correction lens is compatible with the Leica M (Typ 240), M9, M8, M7, and older cameras

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14359 - -3

14358 - -2

14357 - -1.5

14356 - -1

14355 - -0.5

14350 - +0.5

14354 - +3

14353 - +2

14352 - +1.5

14351 - +1

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The Leica Correction Lenses M provide optimum eye-to-camera matching, making composing images in the viewfinder more precise and comfortable. They are available in grades of +/- 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 diopters. Please note that the Leica M-Viewfinder is preset by default to -0.5 diopters, so anyone wearing glasses of 1 diopter strength would require a +1.5 diopters correction lens.