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Le Droit à l'image, sous la direction de Jean Lauzon



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9782923980249 - Le Droit à l'image, sous la direction de Jean Lauzon

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The idea for this publication was introduced as part of a discussion on the situation of street photographers since the 1998 judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada thus limiting the scope of their work.

Initially initiated by Jean-François Leblanc, the suggestion was taken up by Jean Lauzon who offered to work on the project with him. After some discussion, it was agreed that Lauzon would be the project manager while working closely with the guest photographers, both for the choice of photos and their layout.

The result clearly shows that street photography, in public spaces, is a noble genre that deserves our full consideration and that the limits imposed by the 1998 judgment must be reserved in order to be able to extend its rich potential for expression and documentation. far beyond the opinion expressed by the judges of the highest court in the land.


From photographers:

Rock Arsenault
Yves Beaulieu
Luc Bertrand
Éric Côté
Charles Gauthier
Charles Lafrance
Éric Lajeunesse
Guy Lapointe
Jean Lauzon
Jean-François Leblanc
Mathieu L'Heureux Roy
Daniel Miller
Johanne Pouliot
Michel Tremblay

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